We bring personal medicine to you



  • Adjusting your medical prescription to your body’s individual dosage requirements
  • Calculating the ideal release profile for each of your medications based on your condition
  • Designing your own customised pill containing all your different medications, with individually tailored dosing and release rates


  • Building the 3D pill composed of multiple configurations of micropockets, each programmed to release their content at just the right time
  • Filling the micropockets with small discrete doses of your medications in powder form, ensuring identical application conditions to their original certification while revolutionizing their administration


  • Keeping medications in their ideal therapeutic window, known to maximise efficiency and reduce side effects
  • Making polypharmacy adherence difficulties a thing of the past
  • Offering synergistic medication customised to patient and condition
  • Availability at local dispensing hubs

The technology

The PERAMEDIC project is developing the PERaME stand-alone drug formulation system for personalised medicine, offering locally prepared, individually customised, segmented release polypills, with an inherently digital technology drive. The system integrates several novel technologies: personal release profiles, in-situ 3D printing of release matrix using adaptive toolpaths, and ultra-precise multichannel powder dosing of drugs into sealed microcompartments.

The PERaME device will be a tabletop-size pill/capsule printing machine, using canisters of powdered drugs and bioresorbable polymer matrix material. Application scenarios would be first clinical settings, then at later stage, pharmacy locations and medical practices such as GP’s office. For patients, a single pill each day will contain all their medication, complemented by supplements if needed, in quantities and release distributions that are optimised for the individual’s needs and condition.

Personalised drug formulation is a hot topic, but state of the art approaches are limited by low scalability, cost, and regulatory hurdles. Meanwhile, current polypill formulation efforts are hindered by liquid form or hot melt addition approaches, posing stability issues.

Due to these difficulties, pill-split grooving is still the prevalent state-of-the-art in individual dosing.

The first development stage towards PERaME’s breakthrough solution will deliver a lab-scale proof-of-concept prototype system of the functionally combined novel technologies, with tangible preview design of the future technology.

The Consortium


Kick-off meeting in Stuttgart Feb 2024

Funding of 3M€ secured to implement development Jan 2024

Our development plan receives top rating from EC Aug 2023

Development phase launched 01 Feb 2024

Industry expresses interest of joint development Jan 2024

Get in touch

Write to us if you are interested in development.